The draft Fisheries Law strengthens the control of illegality

One of the main reforms that apply to the Organic Law for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries is to establish clear rules and high fines to counter illegal fishing in Ecuadorian waters.

In this way, according to Assemblyman Lenín Plaza (AP), president of the Food Sovereignty Commission, the “yellow card” that the European Union put to Ecuador would be lifted for lack of regulations that control and punish illegal fishing.

The bill was unanimously approved by 109 lawmakers present last Tuesday.

According to Plaza, illegal fishing will be combated by applying sanctions that are categorized as light, serious and very serious and includes a table of fines. The most serious sanction for industrial fishing is a fine of up to 1,500 unified basic wages for the worker, confiscation of all fishing, arrest of the boat and crew.

The Law classifies industrial fishing, which is that carried out with mechanized gear and gear; and artisanal fishing, an activity that is carried out with gear or fishing gear with a manual harvester, for this type of fishing an area of ​​eight nautical miles has been established.

Illegal fishing, said the legislator, is determined when the industrialists carry out their tasks in waters not stipulated for that purpose, that is, when they invade the eight nautical miles, or when they carry out their fishing activity in international waters without the respective permit.

The Law also proposes that a census be carried out within 18 months to determine the number of aquaculturists, artisanal and industrial fishermen, number of vessels, gear and fishing gear, which will serve to implement management measures in the sector.

Illegal fishing, said the legislator, is determined when the industrialists carry out their tasks in waters not stipulated for that purpose, that is, when they invade the eight nautical miles, or when they carry out their fishing activity in international waters without the respective permit.

The Law also proposes that a census be carried out within 18 months to determine the number of aquaculturists, artisanal and industrial fishermen, number of vessels, gear and fishing gear, which will serve to implement management measures in the sector.

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